Do you (or an immediate family member) have an inactive super fund with a balance less than $6,000?
Are you funding insurance policies from this fund?
If yes, below is an important message to protect your money and your insurance policy.
Recently the Federal Government introduced new laws, known as Protecting Your Super Package, designed to protect small superannuation
balances. Under the new laws the following changes will apply:
Many Self-Managed Superannuation Fund (SMSF) members, or others with large super balances, maintain smaller, secondary super accounts
(usually through an Industry Super Fund) for the sole purpose of accessing cost effective group life insurance. This new legislation may
place those life policies at risk unless action is taken to preserve the life cover.
If you have been maintaining a small inactive superannuation fund for insurance purposes, this change in legislation will affect you. If you
do nothing, you may have your insurance policy cancelled and/or your balance transferred to the ATO.
Your superannuation fund should contact you to request that you opt in to maintain your insurance cover. Please ensure that they have your
correct contact details. If you have not heard from your fund yet, we strongly advise that you contact them directly if your intent is to
maintain your insurance cover. The implications of having insurance cover cancelled can be significant.
Superannuation funds can hold Term Life Cover (death cover), Total and Permanent Disablement Cover (TPD) and/or Income Protection Cover on
your behalf, often through cost effective premium rates and without having to undergo personal medical underwriting, which may include
medical tests.
Should existing insurance cover be cancelled, you may not be able to renew cover on similar terms. You may need to disclose medical
conditions that have arisen since the original cover commenced, and have higher premiums, or exclusions as a result, or you may not be
eligible for replacement cover at all. This may be of particular concern to older people, those with poor health, or work in a high-risk
If you have debt(s), financial dependents or rely on your income for your financial security and your insurance is held in a super fund that
you do not currently contribute to, you will need to consider whether to make the fund active, or inform the trustee that you want to
While each fund will have differing requirements, we have been advised that the following actions may make a superannuation account active:
While the above actions may make a superannuation account active, each superannuation fund will have their own specific requirements to make
an account active. Please follow the instructions listed in their correspondence to you to ensure your account remains active. If you are
unsure whether you should maintain your current insurance cover it may be beneficial for you to opt-in initially, and then consider
maintaining cover.
If you would like assistance in completing actions to ensure your account remains active, or have any further questions, please do not
hesitate to contact me or our insurance specialist, Lara Gill who can be contacted on 02 6763 0100 or email