For those affected by storms that weathered parts of our region last December, financial assistance for damage caused is now available via government grants.
For the storms which commenced on 20 December 2018, government assistance includes:
Recovery grants of up to $15,000 are also available for eligible primary producers in the following forty-five parishes, within the following local government areas:
Local government area of Walcha: Aberbaldie; Ainsley; Andy; Apsley; Bergen op zoom; Boulton; Branga; Cobrabald; Congi; Ella; Emu; Europambela; Fenwick; Gill; Glen Morrison; Halloran; Norton; Ohio; Oorundunby; Salway; Scott; Shelving; St Clair; St Leonard; Tia; Tiara; Uriamukki; Vernon (within Macquarie County, near Tamworth); Walcha; Waterloo; and Winterbourne.
Local government area of Armidale: Enmore; Merrigalah; and Gill.
Local government area of Tamworth: Tara; Muluerindie; Burke; South Burke; Anna; Vernon; and Ainsley.
Local government area of Uralla: Lawrence; Eastlake; Blacknote; and Sandon.
More information can be found at:
Picture: from The Land